Services Offered

  1. Services Offered:
  • Facilitating the process of partnering and networking channels among different local community enterprises.
  • Contributing in developing ideas for new problem solving projects towards Community related measures.
  • Reinforcing the reform of innovative ideas into profitable pilot projects.
  • Encouraging and reinforcing the Applied research oriented to community.
  • Promoting the culture of innovation by conducting of lectures, seminars, workshops that combines the common role between PPU, students, graduates and the community.
  • Capacity building of innovators and entrepreneurs through designing and implementing training courses in technical and administrative fields.
  • Adopting and incubating of innovators and entrepreneurs and help them create their proper vocational life track and business records.
  • Contribution in providing job opportunities for graduates.
  • Providing career guidance services to graduates.
  • Preparing and conducting developmental studies and databases meeting the needs of the local market.