Erasmus Plus ICM programs and International Center structure

​PPU has adopted a vision of becoming an international and global entrepreneurial university, this is being accomplished through exposure to international experiences and academic exchange programs on one hand and the development of the internal context to contain internationalism on the other hand. Therefore, PPU is working actively to expose students and staff to international academic experiences and PPU to receive international educators and students as well. 

PPU has been a member in mobility programs with more than a dozen universities through the Erasmus plus International Credit Mobility program since 2015. This has created an atmosphere and experience that allows students, academic staff and international credit mobility staff to lead successful mobility initiatives. Also, PPU holds cultural and non academic mobility programs that include cultural and extracurricular activities through other bilateral agreements and initiatives including regional and international programs.

The participation of staff members and students have recorded a cumulative of about 100 beneficiaries and growing. PPU has gained significant experience in creating regulations and policies for selection, orientation, processing and support of candidates' mobilities, as well as experience in academic accreditation and courses recognition.

PPU provides students and staff with international academic experiences through ICM programs in addition to receiving international educators and students as well. This experience is assured to enrich and support participants through building networks for scientific research and allow staff to explore other cultures and approaches in teaching/research and build the character of staff and students. ICM also provides academic and cultural overview of the City of Hebron and Palestine which conveys values of academic and cultural relations as well. The link below is a showcasing of why study in and visit Palestine:

Why Study in Plalestine

The mobility program is managed through specialized ICM coordinators in the Planning and Development department, where coordinators receive training through international staff weeks to provide support and manage all mobility agreements and mobility management  with the direct supervision of the Vice President for Planning and Development that heads academic committees of ICM.Committees  provide selection and nomination management through a set of criteria for staff and students.

PPU reaches out to program country partners through the designated team of ICM Coordinators, as soon the IIA is signed by the VP for Planning a dedicated coordinator works on following and coordinating all processes needed for the mobility program to be delivered smoothly and in timely responses. All communications and processing of documents are done electronically for more efficient and speedy processing through formal email for ICM communications:

The following chart shows the structure of ICM management team and international center